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Little Miss Burden, Credit: Kofi Dwaah. A woman is lit in red with a plue background. She wears a headscarf, she looks down and is laughing.
Bricks and Pieces (2016). A woman stands defiantly with her hands on her hips. She wears a leather coat and a sheepskin collar and looks directly at the camera.
Trying to Find Me (2019). A woman looks to the right, she is wearing a white tank top. Blue and white light plays on her skin against a black background.
Mixed Brain (2017) - Prod - Credit The Other Richard.jpg

the UK's leading British-African heritage company

celebrating 25 years 

About Us


tiata fahodzi produces theatre that is fearless for a Britain of today; rich with languages, races, cultures and identities.

tiata fahodzi, the UK’s leading British African heritage contemporary theatre company, presents a new season of creative initiatives, appointments and productions designed to support and invest in the future of Black British artists, in celebration of its 25th anniversary.


Founded in September 1997 by playwright and director Femi Elufowoju Jr and now under the direction of its fourth Artistic Director, playwright and director, Chinonyerem Odimba, this milestone year named ‘Year of the Artist’ marks the beginning of a new chapter in the Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation’s history.

Tickets and Ties (1997) a black and white production shot featuring the cast looking quizzically outwards.

We make theatre that looks around and looks forward, with a mission to tell contemporary stories in modern and innovative ways, celebrating characters and audiences defined not by their diversity, but by their humanity. 

What's On

cheeky little brown, by the Papatango Prize-winning playwright Nkenna Akunna, is a failed night out, a musical, a show about heartbreak and queerness, taking place on a journey through the city Lady calls home.

cheeky little brown 
museum lates (2160  1080 px) final (chronological).png

a series of 5 readings and conversations held at Watford Museum exploring the Black British Canon from 1970 – 2010

tf Museum Lates
Olivette Otele stands on a bridge in front of a grey river. She wears a red jacket and a patterend scarf and smiles.

A New Patron

Olivette Otele
Talking-rev-design v4 web C.jpg

Our 2022 triple bill of plays

Talking About a Revolution

A new initiative to bring creatives into the rehearsal space for a preview of our productions followed by a workshop 

Black Earth marketing image. A yonung man looks to the camera. He makes an "o" with his lips and wears a orange basketball vest. The top of a giant raspberry is just visible in the foreground and turquoise leopard print on black creat a background.

Resistance, Anti-Racism and the Environment

Black Earth
Talking About A Revolution marketing image. An illustration of an open mouth created by a burst of bright green lines exploding out of pink.


5th October

25th Birthday Gala

A new annual inititative funding British African heritage artists and creative associates

MatchPlay image credit Wasi Daniju_edite

A birthday gift to six artists in Watford and the South East

tf Match/Play
A profile of a woman from tiata fahodzi's production "Seeds". She is lit with a warm light in fron and a cool light behind. She holds her clenched fist in front of her and looks upset.

Who We Are

Who We Are
Current Staff
Current Staff
Chinonyerem Odimba photo credit Sam Harvey. Chinonyerem sits in a blue and yellow shirt in front of plants.

Chinonyerem Odimba


Artistic Director/CEO

Jake Orr 2022_edited.jpg

Jake Orr


Interim Executive Producer


Joanne Bispham


General Manager

Mandeep Gill_edited_edited.jpg
Portrait Photo_edited_edited.jpg

Mandeep Gill

Chiedza Rwodzi

Muneerah Yate




Finance Manager

PlayLab Producer

Executive Assistant /

 Developing Talent Assistant

Debo Adebayo has a short beard and a checked short. He looks straight at the camera with a white brick background.

Debo Adebayo


Alisha Artry looks over her shoulder at the camera. She has long dark hair and a black top.

Alisha Artry


Edward Kemp looks over his shoulder at the camera. He has a blue shirt and a faint smile.

Edward Kemp


Caroline Hinds is smiling. The image has a stong contrast. She has long light hair and a pink shirt.

Caroline Hinds


Sampira Willborne is wearing black rimmed glasses and headphones. She has a nose piercing and a pink headscarf.

Sampira Willbourne 


A black and white photograph of Mwiza Mkandawire. She wears her hair up and looks directly at the camera.

Mwiza Mkandawire


A black and white image of Sherma Polidore Perrins. She has dark hair and a wide smile.

Sherma Polidore-Perrins


Amy Rockson has a broad smile. She looks directly at the camera. She has dark hair and wears a pearl earring.

Amy Rockson


An image from tiata fahodi's production 'Good Dog'. A sillhouette of a man smoking in a pool of light.


Tel: 01923 943 900

Watford Library

Hempstead Road

Watford WD17 3EU

Registered in England no. 3440596 | Charity no. 1108416

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